Tenho 51 anos e trabalho com idiomas há 25 anos, minha especialidade é o Inglês no qual eu tenho experiência em aulas particulares e em grupos, e tradução de trabalhos universitários e escolares e projetos diversos, do Português para o Inglês e vice-versa.
Com a globalização tudo esta cada vez mais atado a língua universal, o Inglês, e o aprendizado nem sempre esta na velocidade da necessidade.
Logo o aprender o inglês, para ler escrever e falar, seja por necessidade de trabalho ou estudo ou mesmo somente por interesse em acompanhar filmes ou músicas e os serviços de tradução de livros, manuais e trabalhos Universitários se torna essencial .

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Aula de Listening

Hello, in this post we are going to practice a little our listening, you will have a lesson with some information to write after you listen to the dialogues, they are small but with differents goals to be complete, the majority of you had already did this lesson in the classroom, but please send a e-mail, comment or call if it's necessary, have a great study.

Here and There

lesson 1
Classroom and Campus
Nowadays there are foreign teachers at many schools, so you may have many
chances to hear English. Listen to the diaolgues and write the number next to the description
that matches what is said on the dialogues.
_______a in a language lab
_______b at an English conversation club meeting
_______c in the school cafeteria
_______d in class
_______e at a class party

Separating Sounds into Words
When English is spoken at a normal speed, the words sound like they are joined
together. You have to separate these long strings of sounds into words. For
example, you hear
It means
“There is a lot of room.”
Listen to each of the sentences on the recording one time. Try to write them down
as soon as you hear them.

Homework Assignments
Your teacher often gives
homework assignments.
Listen to the CD and write
down the important

Study: ...............................................................................................................
Do: ...............................................................................................................
Note: ...............................................................................................................

Study: ...............................................................................................................
Do: ...............................................................................................................
Note: ...............................................................................................................

Study: ...............................................................................................................
Do: ...............................................................................................................
Note: ...............................................................................................................

Reacting to What You Hear
As you listen to speech, you respond in some way. You can reply or use facial
expressions or body language to show that you are listening. When you hear a
message not spoken directly to you, such as a radio or airport announcement,
you still respond in some way. You can laugh at a joke, hum to a tune, follow
instructions, and so on.
Listen to the recording and choose the sentence that describes the most suitable
1 a A person buys a ticket to go to Hollywood.
b A person writes a postcard.
c A person reads a postcard from Hollywood.
d A person makes a telephone call.

2 a A person goes to Gate 47.
b A person asks a question at an information desk.
c A person stands in line at a Universal Airways ticket counter.
d A person arrives at Montreal International Airport.

3 a A student takes notes in class.
b A student fills out an application for an exchange program.
c A student goes to the United States.
d A student studies with a tape recorder.

4 a A student reads.
b A student types.
c A student takes notes.
d A student laughs.

5 a Students study for a test.
b Students feel sad.
c Students leave for Hawaii.
d Students listen to an English

recording on their own.
Trick Listening Test
You often have to take listening
tests. Here is one for practice.
Listen to the Dialogue and answer

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